I am learning to lean in and trust what my body is telling me
When I first decided to explore therapy with Kelsey, I assumed we would be doing “yoga therapy.” I thought we would get into some yoga poses, practice some breathing stuff, all the typical yoga things done in a yoga class but in a one on one setting. After a consistent year’s worth of work with Kelsey, I still call it “yoga therapy” for simplicity to family and friends, but what we do in somatic therapy is so much more.
Through Kelsey’s guidance and somatic therapy, I am learning to lean in and trust what my body is telling me, I am learning how to identify patterns in my body and nervous system that I’ve been doing or experiencing for years and how to navigate those patterns, I’m learning how to feel my feelings and let them come up more fluidly without shutting them down, and I’m learning how to truly feel safe in more relationships than just those super close to me by practicing co-regulation in a safe space, by allowing myself to be more honest with myself and by allowing my body to more honest with me.
Somatic therapy is deep and can be uncomfortable if you’re someone like me who has learned how to shut those feelings down for so long. Sometimes I feel lost and unable to find my way through what my body presents or how I feel about certain situations, but with Kelsey’s help and the safe space she provides, I am learning so much about myself and am continuing to uncover more by tuning in to what the ole bod is trying to tell me.
I’m so thankful to have stumbled upon Beyond Healing and Kelsey. Both have changed my life for the better and I am so so appreciative of all the things she has helped me through and look forward to all the things yet to be discovered.
Sydney S. Human Who is Learning How to Trust Herself and Her Body.